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What We Do

Brand Promotions
Corporate Videos
Corporate Gifts & Promotional Material
Corporate Clothing


Tel: 011 764 4808
Cel: 082 405 3125

Corporate Gifts & Promotional Material

When exploited creatively and thoughtfully, corporate gifts serve as powerful assets for brand exposure and awareness. They are a cost-effective marketing solution and strategic to securing new business for your company, especially in the service-orientated business sectors.

Gifting should be aligned to your corporate strategy, not operate separately. We work closely with clients to craft a gifting strategy conducive to the brand and implement it competently in order to achieve the desired outcome. We help select gifts on behalf of our clients in line with their marketing strategy, the benefits of which guarantee them value for money.


We source gifts that do not end up in the lower drawer of your client’s desk! We ensure that the branded gifts are useful in the day-to-day activities of the recipients so that your brand is exposed maximally.